Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2


In fact, only the sad become sad. No one suddenly becomes sad. Just as the angry become angry, the sad become sad. If you are already angry inside, all that you require is a reason to become angry. Similarly, the jealous become jealous and the lonely become lonely. Therefore, these feelings indicate that there is a problem already there underneath.

Arjuna recognized an inner, unwept sadness and felt sad. Sometimes the sadness that is underneath comes out. Otherwise, it always remains hidden there. In between the bouts of sadness that come out, there is some laughter — not because of your effort but in spite of it. Sadness seems to be something that is identical with the person. Arjuna concluded that even gaining an unrivaled kingdom on earth would not allay his sorrow.

A kingdom is usually surrounded by enemies, making it a rivaled kingdom, meaning that its ruler cannot sleep peacefully. This is like having a nice house, which you cannot enjoy because it is in an inimical neighborhood. Similarly, in a kingdom, that all the rivals want to occupy and go on encroaching upon, one fellow nibbles away at the east while another nibbles away at the west. This continual encroachment, this
nibbling, makes the ruler of the kingdom miserable. Therefore, in order to be happy, a ruler must have a kingdom that is unrivaled.

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